The NABL accredited Lab at Batra Hospital is equipped to conduct a wide range of investigations for proper patient care. The Labs are equipped with the best of equipments and are managed by a team of dedicated Doctors and Technicians who have impressive academic qualifications and decode of experience in modern day lab functions and clinical applications. It is a constant endeavor of the team to ensure precision and accuracy in reports.
The Labs run 24x7 and are open for the patients taking treatment at Batra Hospital and also for others.
Clinical Microbiology
Laboratory is unique in providing real time microbiological services. It is a laboratory that runs 24 hrs and is manned by Medical microbiologists and technical staff who follow standard recommended techniques and quality control protocols. The section is involved in the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases. It has state-of-the-art automated equipment for Blood and Body fluid culture (BACTEC 9120), rapid culture and sensitivity testing of Mycobacteria by Radiometric BACTEC 460 T.B. System and ATB System (bioMerieux) for rapid identification and sensitivity testing of bacteria and yeasts. Besides, routine serology, special immunological tests are being done for diagnosis of Infectious and autoimmune diseases. The laboratory also plays an important role in the surveillance and monitoring of hospital-acquired infections and disposal of biomedical waste.
Histopathology & Cytology
This section has all modern equipment and expertise to deal with tissue diagnosis of biopsied specimens and cytological examination of body fluids, scrape material from different sites, PAP smear examination of cervico-vaginal smears and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) material. Facility for frozen biopsy also exists to enable rapid tissue diagnosis preoperatively to help surgeons take vital decisions on operation table
Clinical Haematology
The section performs all the routine tests along with many special tests. It has two automated cell counters. Both Sysmex XT-1800i cell counter provides five parts differential counts besides the complete haemogram with absolute values. A fully automated coagulation analyzer CA-550 is installed for monitoring of coagulation profile.
Commercially available control samples are run everyday for quality control to produce reliable results. Haematologist also performs bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsies. Other important tests like hemoglobin electrophoresis and cytochemical stains are performed regularly.
Complete blood count including Erythocyte, leucocyte and platelet panometers.
ESR, Malarial & Filarial parasite Dx of acute and chronic leukemias by routine and special stains.
Diagnostic Facility |
Therapeutic Facility |
Biochemistry |
Biochemistry |
Histopathology & Cytology |
Clinical Microbiology |
Haematology |
Clinical Biochemistry
The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory is equipped with world grade measuring equipment like Dade Behring autoanalyzer, Roche Electrochemiluminiscence 2010 immunoassay systems, Roche blood gas analyzer, Protein Electrophoresis systems from Helena, semiautomated chemistry analyzer and automated glycated haemoglobin analyzer (Bio Rad D-10).
Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory undertakes all the routine biochemistry investigations including liver, kidney, cardiac and metabolic profiles as well as special tests like tumor markers, serum protein, electrophoresis and immuno-fixation electrophoresis, drugs of therapeutic value, thyroid function tests, DHEAS, Insulin, Trop I, NT-Pro BNP and CKMB mass (cardiac markers). Quality of all the tests performed is regularly monitored by adopting internal quality control processes and international external quality assessment scheme.