
Compliance Report

Availability of medical facilities,

Available on website

Availability of beds ( General & EWS)

50 beds allocated for EWS patients:

44 Non-critical and 06 Critical beds.

Help line No.

Helpline no. 24x7: 9625664166

Name and Contact No. of Nodal Officer of concerned Hospital for providing medical treatment of EWS patients. 

Nodal Officer-1
Dr Niranjan Rawat, Addl. Medical Superintendent on Duty can be contacted at 7428831858 or mail him @
Nodal Officer-2
Dr Naveen Kumar, Dy. Medical Superintendent on Duty can be contacted at 7982216932 or mail him @

Name and Contact No. of Liaison Officer of DGHS, if any 

Mr. Rinku Kr. Verma, Liason Officer EWS (Delhi Govt.) on Duty can be Contacted at 7701980569 or mail him @